Sunday, March 21, 2010

Near Miss

The "Near Miss" in the title above refers not to my assessment of the success of the piece, but rather to it's tentative title. This is a piece I finished today, after about 8-9 hrs. of work. It features rivet-less construction, and will be left unpainted. I like the simplicity of the forms and their appearance of solidity and weight. Actually, the pieces weigh roughly 2oz. apiece and, together, measure 26.25" top to bottom. I plan to continue with this style for a while, simultaneously developing more adult pull toys.

Friday, March 19, 2010

It's black . . .

Well, my paint experiment turned out well - it looks pretty much like I envisioned. This piece was spray-painted flat black and then abraded with some very coarse steel wool. A spray acrylic enamel top coat was then applied and should offer good protection. Just today I've bought three more colors of spray paint bringing the total to five, which gives me an adequate palette for future pieces. More to come soon . . .

Monday, March 15, 2010

On to the metal!

Some of my friends have been pointing out to me that I haven't posted anything for quite a while. Well, I've been busy cleaning
my metal shop so that I could actually work – and here's the result. I'm thinking of this as sort of a prototype for a series vaguely
evocative of mountains. I've not been too concerned about the finish of the aluminum on this piece because the next step is to spray paint it black. Yeah, FLAT black. Then, I plan to mess with the surface with abrasives. Painting should happen tomorrow, followed by roughing it up and finally a satin clear coat. We'll see what happens . . .