The above photos show work on a piece of stone I picked up in Montana, outside Chico Hot Springs. I had high hopes for this stuff because there is a literally endless supply - free for the taking. Well, my diamond blade would cut the stuff just fine, and the diamond cup wheel did a good job of shaping it, but after that, the rest of my tools were completely ineffectual due to the hardness of the stone. I did a little research and found a geological summary of the area with a map and here's the description of what I was working on. "Dacite and dacite porphyry (Eocene) -- Pink to light-gray, fine-grained dacite, and feldspar-hornblende dacite porphyry". The bottom line is, this is an igneous rock similar to basalt and I'd need carbide-tipped tools to work it. Since finishing would be equally difficult, I think it's time to forget about it and move onto the piece of limestone in the picture, which has been patiently waiting for some attention for a couple of months!