Wednesday, September 29, 2010

New aluminum piece

I realized it's been a while since my last post when it was time to go pick up my alabaster piece because the 64 ARTS Exhibition had ended! That was the subject of my last post, which made me think of the maxim: Time flies like an arrow – fruit flies like a banana. Speaking of arrows, they were the subject of several pieces of mine in school - long ago - and my newest aluminum piece revisits that symbol. In the photo above, it is up on a table where the dogs couldn't knock it over while I photographed it. When finished, it'll feature a weighted base that will enable it to stand upright without visible support. It will weigh 5 lbs. or less, but the internal weight will be about 10-12 lbs., making it quite stable. This will also be painted and abraded, like my other recent metal works.


  1. Extremely cool. Here is nd idea. How about a weighted rounded bottom. If you push it, it will wright itself.

  2. So, did this become the blue arrow? I like it both basic aluminum and painted and abraded.
    We had some friends over Sat. nite and they thought the pyramids looked great in the sunroom.
