Monday, November 26, 2012

Large forms near completion

Over the past few days, I've made significant progress toward getting this stone to the tipping point  -that is, it's now about to the spot where I can see how the finished piece will look, and it's just a matter of refinement of existing forms. This refinement process is a bit of a grind because of all the details that a piece like this has - surfaces, edges, corners, curves - but is IS a bit less mentally taxing. There's just one crude area left.
As far as what this piece is about, I'm seeing some very strong ties to a machine or part(s) of a machine that has some arcane purpose. In my mind, I can see it rotating at a moderate speed, spring-loaded parts moving up and down as needed, cam-like surfaces pushing against unseen forces. These images, for me at least, cast a piece like this one firmly in the machine age, with the "information age" seeming a distant castle in the air.

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